Private Equity

A&G Global Fınancıng

Private Equity

Private Equity

Private Equity Funds are established through equities of high-net-worth individuals and institutions (such as pension funds) who prefer to invest long term. Such funds are typically formed with an investment horizon of 7 and 10 years and are not managed by equity owners but by professionals qualified in finance and corporate management. These Private Equity Funds generally purchase company shares who have potential to grow and where they think they might increase the value of the companies for a predetermined period and they make essential changes needed in corporate management and strategy. They assist to restructure the company in all matters by expanding the market share and the capacity and by managing the cost of financing in order to increase the efficiency and profitability . Equity funds either sell their shares to current owners or to another strategic partners or go to public after the value of the firms rise up to predicted values of investors. These type of funds usually stay 2-7 years in the entities.

A&G Global Financing  also gives services to the companies who has high growth potential with these types of financial tools through its strategic partners located both in Turkey and abroad.